Keep a diary and one day it’ll keep you

—Mae West
Apr 2013

Alicia has a course on offer in the autumn term at WEA Sydney

You can find it in the Autumn 2013 Course Catalogue out now

Travel Writing & Photography

Apr 2013

The program for the SWF was released last night and you can buy tickets from this morning. But the launch for The Evening Lands is free! So book it into your schedule and I hope to see you there.

"The 2013 UTS Writers’ Anthology, The Evening Lands, with a foreword by Anna Funder, brings together some of Sydney’s best emerging writers. Join us as Amanda Lohrey launches the 2013 edition, with readings from contributors. The event includes the awarding of the UTS...

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Apr 2013

This year's festival will be in May from the 20th to the 26th. Loads of free events (including the UTS Anthology launch!) but also lots of ticketed events to allow you to secure your place. Head to the SWF site on Saturday morning at 9.00am to check out the program and buy your tickets!

Hope to see you there.

Mar 2013

...has just gone to the printers!

Mar 2013

To celebrate International Women's Day CAPMH (Community and Private Market Housing) will be hosting a breakfast at the Palace Pantry in Petersham.

Alicia will be a guest speaker, along with Annette Gallard.

Feb 2013

The latest news on the anthology (in which my story, A Fistful of Earth will appear) is it now has a cover and a name. Even more exciting,  the forward will be by Anna Funder (Anna completed her Doctorate of Creative Arts at UTS and her work, All That I Am, went on to win the Miles Franklin).

The anthology will be launched at the Sydney Writers Festival in May. More information at:
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Feb 2013

Contract with Women NSW, a division of FACS (Family and Community Services)

Last year I contributed to the effort that resulted in Women NSW releasing an annual report enquiring into the status of women in NSW, Women in NSW 2012

This year, with the additional benefit of recent census data, a follow-up report will be produced for 2013. My primary role will be to audit the financial and statistical data, although I will also contribute to the writing and editing...

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© 2012 Alicia Thompson
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