Keep a diary and one day it’ll keep you

—Mae West
Oct 2017

Earning money in a 'real' job really does get in the way of writing :-(

After having addressed more than half of the MS issues raised by the assessment, I lost my way with some of the tougher ones and then I started another contract of work...So, in order to try and fire up my enthusiasm again, I started putting some sample chapters (since removed) on to see what sort of interest there might be. I was pleasantly surprised. There were a few tedious...

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Jun 2015

I am feeling blessed. I have been very lucky to have Nicola O'Shea fit me into her very busy work schedule in order to assess my MS for Something Else. The assessment was completed in record time and I'm very pleased with the quality of the feedback.

In terms of the many writing courses I've done, ultimately, the most intensive learning I've had was once I applied by posterior to the seat. As a result, professional feedback on my own novel has been some of the best...

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Nov 2014

I've been in a break between contracts since early September and I've managed to put it to very good writing use. I have been very inspired reading Stephen Daisley's Traitor, recommended to me by Debra Adelaide during the final stages of my Masters. The writing itself is of such poetic beauty, I began to eke it out to a few pages each morning before commencing my own writing. While my story is nothing like Traitor, Stephen Daisley's writing has helped to dredge my own...

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Jul 2014

Have just enjoyed an extremely productive week of writing, thanks to Varuna. It was a privilege to have the use of Eleanor Dark's writing studio for the week and the work I did there would have taken three months' worth of Sundays, at least. Thanks to the amazing cookery skills of Sheila, I will have some physical memories to take away as well!

It will also be exciting to see what my fellow-residents for that week, Tamara Pearce, Michelle Law, Fleur Glenn and Lyn...

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Apr 2014

Alicia has a course on offer in the autumn term at WEA Sydney

You can find it in the Autumn 2014 Course Catalogue out now

Finding the Plot

Jul 2013

Alicia has two courses on offer in the winter term at WEA Sydney

You can find it in the Winter 2013 Course Catalogue out now

Finding the Plot

Travel Writing & Photography

Jun 2013

The second Annual Report on the status of women in NSW has been launched and is available on Women NSW's website.

Congratulations to Caroline Alcorso and the rest of the team. It was great to be involved!

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